Wednesday, 16 December 2009




Positioning Statement: It’s all and more of the Jazz
Frequency of Publication: MONTHLY
Price: £2.55
Distribution: Newsagents and supermarkets: Music stores such as HMV

Rationale: The approach of the magazine is based on the results of my questionnaire, therefore it is audience orientated. The magazine will include popular regular content such as music charts etc. The target audience is the inspiration for this magazine and will include what they want to know not what the music industry wants to feed its readers.

Style: The magazine is for music lovers, who want to combine the iconic and modern twist on jazz/swing music; the use of mature lexis and slang will unite the two different eras of music together to produce text that will entice the target audience.
On the front cover there will be one main image and throughout the contents page and double-paged spread the images will be the principal feature. I will use creative photography to capture the interest of my readers and improve the intensity of articles.

Regular Content:
New to…(section)
Chart Listing
Great Gigs: the months best gigs
Name that instrument: competition
Swing tips for the month
Where to buy? (Suits, instruments…)
Up, close and personal interviews with star names

Feature Content:
Michael Buble: The story behind the microphone (World Tour 2009)
Article about Jamie Cullum and his return to stardom
Harry Connick Jnr did it “his way”
Ray Quinn spills his swing passion
Simon Cowell on Xfactor’s “BIG BAND” week
Robbie & his Swinging days
That’s life by Sinatra
Tribute to the Rat Pack
Free Buble coupon for CD
Michael McIntyre uses Buble material on tour!
Me & my Shadow: How I want to be a swing artist at 16
Could James Morrison enter the Big Band business?
New York becomes the new face of swing
Jamie is the ‘key’
Top 10 gigs planned for 2010
Can pop stars transform to swing stars?
Album of the year
Travel – The highlights of stardom
How to sing swing?
Poll: Up, close and personal gigs or concerts in arenas?

House Style:
Coverlines: Ariel Black
Headlines: Ariel Narrow
Standfirst: Centaur - 14pt
Captions: Centaur – 8pt
Features in first paragraph: drop capital ‘centaur’ , 6 lines deep, the first phrase will be in capitals
News first paragraph = Body text: The paragraph will be in 11pt, the first phrase will be in capitals and the whole text is ‘Times New Roman’.
Colour scheme: Purple. This is because, purple was the most favourite colour

Drafts for my publication
Front Cover
Contents Page

Double Page Spread